The CGSC welcomes dissertation fellowship applications from Graduate Center students whose research engages or illuminates some aspect of frequencies, whatever the historical period or geographical region.
The CGSC welcomes dissertation fellowship applications from Graduate Center students whose research engages or illuminates some aspect of home, whatever the historical period or geographical region.
The Committee on Globalization and Social Change invites applications from mid-career CUNY faculty members to participate as fellows in our 2023-24 seminar on Speculation.
The CGSC welcomes dissertation fellowship applications from Graduate Center students whose research engages or illuminates some aspect of speculation, whatever the historical period or geographical region.
The CGSC invites applications from mid-career CUNY faculty members to participate as fellows in our 2022-2023 seminar.
Our annual theme for 2021-2022 will be “Borders” understood broadly as relating to spatial, temporal, ontological, epistemological, and existential domains.