Concrete Utopianism: The Politics of Temporality and Solidarity
Join IRADAC and CGSC for a book discussion with Gary Wilder, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, and Manu Goswami
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Join IRADAC and CGSC for a book discussion with Gary Wilder, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, and Manu Goswami
Please join us for our symposium featuring presentations by Ajay Singh Chaudhary (Brooklyn Institute for Social Research), Abou Farman (New School for Social Research), Rebecca Karl (New York University), Nikhil Singh (New York University), Abdel Razzaq Takriti (University of Houston), and Elleni Centime Zeleke.
A book launch and discussion of Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy of Modernity (2019, Oxford University Press), featuring author Massimiliano Tomba in conversation with Behrooz Ghamari, and Robyn Marasco.
Please join us for a book launch and discussion of The Fernando Coronil Reader: The Struggle for Life Is the Matter, featuring Vinay Gidwani, Timothy Mitchell, and Alejandro Velasco.
A roundtable discussion featuring J. Kēhaulani Kauanui (Wesleyan University), Jasbir Puar (Rutgers University), Radhika Sainath (Palestine Legal), and Robyn Spencer (Lehman College & The Graduate Center). Moderated by Jessica Stites Mor (University of British Columbia).
A discussion of African Kings and Black Slaves: Sovereignty and Dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic (Penn Press: 2018), featuring author Herman Bennett (History, Graduate Center CUNY) with discussants Christopher L. Brown (History, Columbia), Mamadou Diouf (African Studies and History, Columbia), and Sibylle Fischer (Spanish and History, NYU).
A book launch and discussion of For the Love of Humanity: The World Tribunal on Iraq (Penn Press: 2018)
A public presentation and discussion featuring Tracy McNulty (French and Comparative Literature, Cornell) and Camille Robcis (History, Cornell).
A two-day symposium featuring Drucilla Cornell (Rutgers University), Brooke Holmes (Princeton University), Sadia Abbas (Rutgers University), Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo (Rutgers University), Jesús R. Velasco (Columbia University), Andreas Kalyvas (The New School), Banu Bargu (University of California, Santa Cruz), Seloua Luste Boulbina (Denis Diderot University), Lydia Liu (Columbia University), and Ato Quayson (New York University).
A book launch and discussion of Sex and Secularism, featuring author Joan Wallach Scott (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; History, the Graduate Center, CUNY) in conversation with Nadia Abu El-Haj (Anthropology, Barnard) and Todd Shepard (History, Johns Hopkins).
Public presentation and discussion featuring Nicholas de Genova (Independent Scholar, Chicago, most recently Reader in Geography, King’s College London) and Sandro Mezzadra (University of Bologna), Françoise Verges (Collège d’Études Mondiales, Paris), moderated by Gary Wilder (The Graduate Center).
Discussion of Cold War Freud with author Dagmar Herzog (The Graduate Center) in conversation with Gary Wilder (The Graduate Center), Judith Surkis (Rutgers University), and Zahid R. Chaudhary (Princeton University).
Federico Finchelstein (The New School for Social Research), author of From Fascism to Populism, in conversation with Ruth Ben-Ghiat (New York University), Mary Roldán (Hunter College), and Ritchie Savage (Pratt Institute).
Featuring presentations by Jason Frank (Cornell University) and Andreas Kalyvas (The New School for Social Research), followed by a conversation with with Susan Buck-Morss (The Graduate Center, CUNY).
A presentation by Edgardo Lander (Central University of Venezuela) followed by a conversation with Naomi Schiller (Brooklyn College) and Alejandro Velasco (New York University), moderated by Julie Skurski (The Graduate Center, CUNY).
Featuring Shiraz Grinbaum (member, Activestills Collective), Oren Ziv (co-founder and member, Activestills collective), Vered Maimon (Tel Aviv University, co-editor Activestills: Photography as Protest in Palestine/Israel), and Basel Alyazouri (member, Activestills collective). Moderated by Siona Wilson (College of Staten Island, the Graduate Center, CUNY).
A public presentation and discussion featuring artist and filmmaker, John Akomfrah.
A panel discussion featuring Sean Anderson (Associate Curator, Department of Architecture and Design, Museum of Modern Art, New York), Keller Easterling (Professor, Yale School of Architecture), and Anooradha Siddiqi (Assistant Professor and Faculty Fellow, New York University; Affiliated Scholar, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta and the British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi), with response by David Joselit (Distinguished Professor, PhD Program in Art History, The Graduate Center).
Presentations and discussion featuring Alexandra Délano Alonso (The New School for Social Research), Eric Foner (Columbia University), Alyshia Gálvez (Lehman College, City University of New York), Elora Mukherjee (Columbia Law School), JC Salyer (Barnard College, Columbia University; Staff Attorney, Arab-American Family Support Center).
A presentation and discussion with Linda Bosniak on “Amnesty Ethics.”
Paper presentations and discussion featuring Aihwa Ong (University of California, Berkeley) and Charles Piot (Duke University).
Presentation and discussion featuring Hagar Kotef (SOAS, The University of London), with response by Audra Simpson (Columbia University).
A day-long symposium featuring Vincent Brown (Harvard University), David Kazanjian (University of Pennsylvania), Kelly Baker Josephs (York College, CUNY), Laurent Dubois (Duke University), Vincent Brown (Harvard University), and Duncan Faherty (The Graduate Center/Queens College, CUNY), and Kandia Crazy Horse (musician/performer/critic).
A presentation and discussion featuring Behrooz Ghamari ontThe Arab Uprisings through the prism of the Iranian Revolution.
A day-long conference featuring keynote speaker Jillian Schwedler (Department of Political Science, Hunter College), followed by a talk by Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi.
A reading and discussion of Remembering Akbar: Inside the Iranian Revolution with author Behrooz Ghamari.
A book launch for The American Slave Coast with authors Ned and Constance Sublette, featuring David Waldstreicher (The Graduate Center, CUNY) and Kellie Carter Jackson (Hunter College, CUNY), moderated by Julie Skurski (The Graduate Center, CUNY).
A discussion with Joshua M. Price (the State University of New York, Binghamton), Chase Madar (author and journalist), and Wadie Said (University of South Carolina).
A panel discussion featuring David Harvey (The Graduate Center, CUNY) Nazan Üstündağ (Boğaziçi University), Aslı Iğsız (New York University), and Kamal Soleimani, moderated by Anthony Alessandrini (The Graduate Center, CUNY and Kingsborough Community College.
The Committee on Globalization and Social Change
Room 5109
365 5th Ave. New York, NY 10016